Examples of 3D interactivity using Macromedia's Shockwave 3D.
Simple objects and environment models with basic texturing.

"Ezekiel's Wheel."
Create spiro-like patterns in real-time.

Sage Cube.
Toggle redraw to create 3D interactive patterns.

Navigate a futuristic slum-block.

Zero-G Beer.
Play with your label in outer-space.

Optizol Molecule.
Visualize the bonds in this rare molecule.

Movie Camera.
Simple model with some fun reflections.

Bear Trap.
Rotate and trigger the bite action with mouse-click.
PLAYBACK TIP: If playback is slow and appears grainy/jagged check and change Shockwave player's rendering settings by right-clicking on movie and selecting a different renderer.
Models are generated in 3D Studio MAX and authored for browser playback through Director 8.5.
Shockwave Player.
Shockwave 3D - optopia projects - optopia contacts - optopia omnibus - optopia genesis
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